The Pack before Packs
In the good old days before artwork was collected and released in packs, artists posted their artwork on their local bulletin board systems message bases. Then late at night when lines were open (and calls were cheap), the BBS would automatically dial up another long distance BBS and exchange the day's messages and in turn pass them on to another system. Sysops would only need to have their computer make one long distance phone call per day to network the world. The fact that area codes sometimes overlapped aided sysops even more.
We would like to thank the super elite Odium BBS of 302 and VirtualNet for providing the message base backups that made this pack possible.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to Colorado for making a tape back
up system that still works after 10 years! The tapes were covered in dust, moved
to 8 different homes in 3 different states, sat on, stepped on, thrown, and
some even consumed some beer somehow, but all still worked flawlessly. It only
took about 16 hours to restore 200 megs of files.
700 31337 4 j00,
Slothy and Root88