This tile is from Mainquilters 24: Warm Colors Please
Tile Info

Comment: Pink river on a desert sunset
By: nickel
Checked out at: September 27, 2003
Checked in at: September 27, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
This tile is...
... fantastic! I love it! IMHO, your best tile by now. WOW
This tile is...
... fantastic! I love it! IMHO, your best tile by now. WOW
Re: This tile is...
thank you!
thanks for the coin victor! I really do think that doing tiles has helped me improve. It forces me to practice painting in a fun (and addictive) way.
Re: victor
It helped me too, before I entered here i was a noob in photoshop...
I think you worth the coin because this tile has nothing to do with the others you did before, except for tarantula (cool too). Your style is better now. Go this way dude :)
I think you worth the coin because this tile has nothing to do with the others you did before, except for tarantula (cool too). Your style is better now. Go this way dude :)
hey hombre
I'm really glad to see your drastic improvement. To be honest, when I saw some tiles from that special black and white quilt you had with otapeworm, I thought you were here to just goof off and be a dork. But now I see you're just a dork. But a dork who's doing some awesome tiles now. Rock on.
Re: hey hombre
yes, I am a dork :) I gotta have a sense of humor or I will go insane. I like to think that there is nothing in life that cannot be laughed at. Except for maybe a kitten with cancer inside a burning building. That would not be appropriate to laugh at. Well maybe after the kitten has been dead for a few days. Anyway, I'm getting side-tracked here. The point is,.... well I guess I don't have a point. I am trying some different methods of drawing right now and I'm trying to be more creative about how I connect neighboring objects. Thanks for the praise, it's much appriciated!