Well that's better but it's still a pretty bad blending.
MY sugestion is to take one of Your old tiles and practise your ass off making the perfect tile, that's the only way to become better.
Dump ms paint and use a better program, You can get a trial version of psp for free, alternativly you could get the gimp or something else.
Skip using any photoshop filters.
the clone tool and the blur tool is a must when it comes to blending, just watch the edges or they might go bad.
This tile is from Newbies 26: I Call Two Geeses, and Other Classic Tunes.
Tile Info

By: kittentat
Checked out at: August 29, 2003
Checked in at: August 29, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
Re: .....ok
a) it's not bad blending.
b) clone tool and blur tool for blending? what kind of crack have you been smoking? those are horrid and blatant ways of blending. remind me to vote -5's on all your tiles.
b) clone tool and blur tool for blending? what kind of crack have you been smoking? those are horrid and blatant ways of blending. remind me to vote -5's on all your tiles.
Re: Re: .....ok
I use clone and blur all the time.
Re: Re: Re: .....ok
good for you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: .....ok
My point is that any tool can be useful in moderation and any tool can be abused. Have you ever worked on a photomanip quilt? The clone tool is almost a must. It takes skill to make it look like you didn't just repeat what you were given. It is very possible to shade shapes with the clone tool while continuing a texture. It should be bad cloning that you hate, not the tool. Voting -5 on someones tiles because of the tool they used is one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....ok
In moderation, it may be useful. But not as the above poster states it as being "a must". And no, I've never worked on a photomanip quilt. I don't like them. I suppose I hate the clone tool because of tilers from long ago who horribly overused them.
And don't tell me you were under the impression that the statement of voting -5's was to be taken seriously? It was put there to put things into perspective for others who don't understand how voting works. I have a fairly strict voting regime by which I follow, and I think my methods are fair.
And don't tell me you were under the impression that the statement of voting -5's was to be taken seriously? It was put there to put things into perspective for others who don't understand how voting works. I have a fairly strict voting regime by which I follow, and I think my methods are fair.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....ok
my bad
Re: Re: .....ok
no clone tool was used here
only a big paintbrush.
only the result count
so for my point any technic is ok
only a big paintbrush.
only the result count
so for my point any technic is ok
Re: .....ok
the blend looks fine to me
all i got to say is...