soon you are going to be in the Mainquilters (with 25 points you can), why don't you try to paint some non-abstract things, some more real looking things, taking attetion to the detail level? Your tiles are good, your blendings very good, but I've not seen any concrete object painted by you, and it would be good if you try it before entering the mainquilt, to practice a bit in that things.
Un saludito Víctor, y a ver cuando nos vemos por el irc, ciao!
This tile is from Newbies 26: I Call Two Geeses, and Other Classic Tunes.
Tile Info

Comment: The left black line is not mine :D
By: VictorSan
Checked out at: July 01, 2003
Checked in at: July 02, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
Hi Víctor,
Gracias por tu crítica constructiva. Espero verte tambien en el IRC pronto. Intentaré dibujar algo concreto en el Mainquilters...
Por cierto felicidades por tus tiles, cada vez vas a mejor!
Ta pronto :D
Por cierto felicidades por tus tiles, cada vez vas a mejor!
Ta pronto :D