This tile is from Newbies 12: When 11 Just Wasn't Enough
Tile Info

Comment: Happy Meal featuring Battle Bots (explanation follows :)
By: riboflavin
Checked out at: May 19, 2002
Checked in at: May 19, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
as promised here is the explanation for the title: I thought hard about what I could put in this one and eventually I came to the idea of putting a snack bar in the wildernes. and the only way one could recognize it was making it look like a snack. So I went to to look for a reference as usual and there I found the 'Happymeal featuring Battlebots' message! I thought that this was a contradiction in itself and because of the tank and the blood in the tile I chose it as a title. So this is my first tile that has a meaning behind it :)
Meet the Flintstones
The restaurant counter makes me think the red object in the foreground is one of the big brontosaurus slabs of ribs from the Flintstones. Great job on the tile. The little guy waving makes me laugh. I can't help but think how sticky a melted cheese counter could get.
i like this hamburger scene
can I please...
have a hamburger???