| Theme

This tile is from Newbies 8: We Can Hold Our Own

Checked out at: February 26, 2002
Checked in at: February 26, 2002
Checkout tile:


caught in a crash?
I figure you must have gotten caught in one of the times the site was down but sent your tile in by email maybe??? It looks good in the upper boarder for blending, and you have to be given credit for the hard boarders to blend to in the bottom and left tiles...... Good work, nice rose, works well with all the rest of the blood bath going on too, nicley channeled.
Re: caught in a crash?
(I am the author of the bottom tile) Do you think I left a difficult border? Do you mean the green stuff, or the rest, or lack of a "story"? I'd like to learn to make it easier for other people to draw off my tiles, so the result is more harmonic :)

I like this tile, by the way. It has personality :)