| Theme

This tile is from Newbies 8: We Can Hold Our Own

Comment: oh my! it's the IRRIGATOR+! such a superior irrigation device!
By: phr
Checked out at: February 25, 2002
Checked in at: February 25, 2002
Checkout tile:


The continuinity in this part of the quilt is almost scary actually... It looks like

1) Someone poured blood in the golf hole in Anton's tile
2) It seeps out from the hole in Shmop's tile and
3) Goes into the Irrigator+, from which the blood flows in pipes down the earth
4) Pools in a pond of blood in Shmop's and Anton's second tiles, to which
5) The blood from Dr. W in shigi_wei's tile also flows.

A morbid quilt, this... But looks quite good :)