You got it right, it's a cow :)
But don't you think it's a bit unlike the way udder actually connects to the cow?.. ;)))))
This tile is from Newbies 6: The Childrens' Breakfast Cereal
Tile Info

By: Decra
Checked out at: January 15, 2002
Checked in at: January 15, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
Right way man
re: Right way man
Yeah, I know I was a bit sloppy.
The Cow.
That must be one of those newfangled levitatin' cows I've heard so much about.
Re: The Cow.
They're all around the quilt, hiding in every tile you see...
Re: Re: The Cow. (Bessie)
yup... it's the return of bessie (and her evil sisters)... She finally managed to digest all the things we gave her to eat last time =) ... (for those who know nothing what I talk about, see quilt "What did bessie the cow eat?"...
Re: Re: Re: The Cow. (Bessie)
We remember, Primie :)
Shouldn't it be M00HHAHAHA?
Re: .
hehe.. .I never reacted to that... In swedish, the sound cows make is called "mu" .. =) ... the sound sheep made is called "bä", pigs "nöff", horses "gnägg" ... something like that atleast =)
True true
Youré absolutely right;)
By the way I took a look on the quilt: "What did bessie the cow eat?" A great quilt, but our quilt looks very nice 2;)
By the way I took a look on the quilt: "What did bessie the cow eat?" A great quilt, but our quilt looks very nice 2;)
Re: True true
hello my friend :) nice first tile, whiskey veronica, .. huhu. .. so, what's hapening this weekend? . . säg åt chrille att ringa mig! .. kanske disco bowling ?
Thank you poopman....;)
diskobowling låter sköj, ska snacka med Chrille, så hörs vi l8r!
diskobowling låter sköj, ska snacka med Chrille, så hörs vi l8r!