| Theme

This tile is from Newbies 36: Cadillacs, Blue Jeans.

Checked out at: October 30, 2004
Checked in at: October 30, 2004
Checkout tile:


there should be a list of banned cliches...
got enough lens flares there? i have no idea who voted this a five, but i'm sorry to say that's far from that. you did blend, yes, but you didn't continue it at all. also, photoshop plugins are usually quite blatant and look cheesy. it's usually a good idea to avoid them.

tips for good tiling?
1) continue your border. having abrupt ends/changes in the tile makes the border conspicuous and degrades from the overal quilt quality. also, the owner of the bordering tile will be pleased to see his/her idea expanded on.

2) original art. like i said, the lens flares are really overdone, and even detract from the aesthetics of your tile. also, the canvas texture you've got there doesn't work well.

that's all i've got. keep tiling, though.