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This tile is from Spreequilt #6 - The wicked mines of multiple creators

By: Mantic
Checked out at: November 19, 2002
Checked in at: November 19, 2002
Checkout tile:


I dig zombies.
Much thanks to Primal, Slothy and others on irc.ice.org for assistance with getting this tile to work, and for the invitation to join on this quilt.

This is really the first tile I've done here that I'm not terribly ashamed of (though I spent waaaay more time on it than previous tiles). While working I was also watching a spree of inspirational videos, namely Day of the Dead, Burial Ground and The Dead Hate the Living.
Re: I dig zombies.
Were you listening Iron Maiden too ;)
Excellent tile!
Mystety user
rock on!
this tile kicks ass
zombies kick ass
my favorite zombie movie's dawn of the dead :)
good job
Tiles of this quality automatically get you invites to all the special quilts. It's hard to believe that you are the same artist that created this tile.
Re: Fantastic
Thanks, I'm glad you dig it. I agree, a lot of the tiles I did on the newbie quilt are really nasty. And even worse than the clown. But from now on I'll be much more careful about my 'image' in these parts. Especially since I'm already getting close to a score that will exclude me from the newbie quilts.
Re: Re: Fantastic
So Mantic... welcome to the next level ;)
amazing, one of the best tiles
do you like bernie wrighston