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This tile is from For Newbies III: The Resurrection.

Comment: Mrs.Wiggins vineyard
Checked out at: September 03, 2001
Checked in at: September 03, 2001
Checkout tile:


Re: Wow,
Remember the lesson of the grasshopper and the ant...
Definitely your best job blending, minus the white line you left on the right side of your tile... great job!
Re: +4 ...(Who, Me?)
DAMN you've got good eyes! Not to give you a B.S. line, may I say that the white "line" was done intentionally? Yep, I put it there on purpose to hide the fanny that is so cleverly blended above it! See, you never noticed that! As for the other fifty or so tiles that I've crapped up, well, like my pappy used to say. "Sonny, when they're out to tar and feather you and run you out of town on the rail, just get out in front of them and make it look like it's a parade"! By the way, I am not an early riser but I was curious to know just what time I'd have to get up , to fool YOU! Thanks again for your spirit. Ed M.