but the blend line is kinda visible... Also, the cloud could have got a bit more of attention ^^
*voted 3*
This tile is from Newbies 26: I Call Two Geeses, and Other Classic Tunes.
Tile Info

Comment: First tile submitted ever! Suggestions welcome :)
By: goatboy
Checked out at: June 26, 2003
Checked in at: June 26, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
Nice work,
I think this is a really good first tile.
I agree with Tabris's post and would like only to add two things:
1. The lightsource for "3D" shading is usually from top left. This is rather apparent in the border as you decided to interpret it.
However, the lightsource in your tile is from the top right and is somewhat too powerful on the front tree when compared in context to the border, making the tree seem more rubbery.
2. The tilers who tiled to the right and bottom of your tile have received a very nice border to work from. However, the tiler who tiled to the top of your tile received just a long line of light blue with something ending at its bottom. I don't know how he/she continued it, but next time, you could think about making all of your borders interesting to tile from.
And just like they say that a barking dog does not bite, you get a 4 from me for a very good first tile.
I agree with Tabris's post and would like only to add two things:
1. The lightsource for "3D" shading is usually from top left. This is rather apparent in the border as you decided to interpret it.
However, the lightsource in your tile is from the top right and is somewhat too powerful on the front tree when compared in context to the border, making the tree seem more rubbery.
2. The tilers who tiled to the right and bottom of your tile have received a very nice border to work from. However, the tiler who tiled to the top of your tile received just a long line of light blue with something ending at its bottom. I don't know how he/she continued it, but next time, you could think about making all of your borders interesting to tile from.
And just like they say that a barking dog does not bite, you get a 4 from me for a very good first tile.
Thanks for the advice, guys -- wonderful comments. You're both right, of course, and I will take them straight to my heart, or tablet, or.. whatever. :) Thanks for voting and viewing. The whole server problems thing had me so nervous, because my tile came out right beforehand, and I couldn't see it or find out what people thought :)
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
Re: Ooer!
Heehee...I was nervous too.
Another suggestion: I don't know bout anyone else...but i'm really not loving this thick black border. Looks like 5 year olds are drawing. I mean you did a good job continuing it, and for the style it's good, almost looks watercolory. But I noticed you did it in both your tiles, so if you don't like it either...find a way to stop it. I just thinks that it kinda limits your drawing capabilities, and lowers your sophistication. For all i know you might be a great draftsman...so lets see you next ones...
Another suggestion: I don't know bout anyone else...but i'm really not loving this thick black border. Looks like 5 year olds are drawing. I mean you did a good job continuing it, and for the style it's good, almost looks watercolory. But I noticed you did it in both your tiles, so if you don't like it either...find a way to stop it. I just thinks that it kinda limits your drawing capabilities, and lowers your sophistication. For all i know you might be a great draftsman...so lets see you next ones...
Re: Re: Ooer!
Well, the reason I did it in both of these tiles is because, in each case, the tile was right next to a tile with a huge element in the same style -- the cartoony thick-border style :) The one coming out next was not, and it is not in this style (as much! :P)
You're right that it has been a crutch-style for me for some time, and I have been trying to escape it, so look forward to the next ones! If a major disruption in all bordering tiles would be necessary in order to AVOID toon-style, though, as it would have been with these two, I might lean back on this crutch.
Also, sometimes the thick line is necessary around a portion, or helps in a more close-colored style -- but I can't for the life of me think of a situation, I just know it. Do you have suggestions for times when the black line might be employed for non-lightsource effects?
Thanks for the comments! :P
You're right that it has been a crutch-style for me for some time, and I have been trying to escape it, so look forward to the next ones! If a major disruption in all bordering tiles would be necessary in order to AVOID toon-style, though, as it would have been with these two, I might lean back on this crutch.
Also, sometimes the thick line is necessary around a portion, or helps in a more close-colored style -- but I can't for the life of me think of a situation, I just know it. Do you have suggestions for times when the black line might be employed for non-lightsource effects?
Thanks for the comments! :P