This tile is from Newbies 26: I Call Two Geeses, and Other Classic Tunes.
Tile Info

Comment: Long life for Dinky Winky!
By: TeXeL
Checked out at: June 19, 2003
Checked in at: June 19, 2003
Checkout tile:
In Context
Great tile!
the Goose is really well made!
Re: Great tile!
Thanks Tabris xD. I hope the text is not a very big problem... I'm a text lover...
Re: Re: Great tile!
Texel, you know I think you're great, and i'm sure you're off this quilt by now...but stop with the text. I love text too cause i'm a graphic designer, but it don't work's too small, it probably confuses your neighbors...and it makes your tile look like a tile, and not part of a quilt because you put the text exactly to all the edges...'re great :). I'll talk to you soon.
P.S. Yes the goose is really nice.'re great :). I'll talk to you soon.
P.S. Yes the goose is really nice.
Re: Re: Re: Great tile!
Yeah, the text would be okay if it was close to an used border. :)
Re: Re: Re: Great tile!
Thanks dari, I've stopped adding text in the mqs tiles... well, just some text in the magic book and in the newspaper, but not just plain text as in this case xD. About the down text, I'm so happy that it has been followed incredible good, it looks as if I gave some inspiration that way xD. And about the right text, it is so little beacause it was just decorative text... what it says is just something crazy, very crazy... well, if your are courious:
"Hey, what a beatiful goose, it looks loke a cat"
"It's a cat"
"So, it looks like a goose"
"Hey, what a beatiful goose, it looks loke a cat"
"It's a cat"
"So, it looks like a goose"
Re: Re: Re: Great tile!
:D Great tile! The goose looks to peaceful! The text didin't confuse me, but the shopping cart sure did hehehe. But it's great to see how it fits into the whole tile!
*sticks goose into cart* :D
*sticks goose into cart* :D