This tile is from Newbies 20: The Dodecahedron of Newbie Quilts
Tile Info

Comment: I live in silly world.
By: rachael
Checked out at: December 26, 2002
Checked in at: December 26, 2002
Checkout tile:
In Context
try to quit blurring so much. Thry some hard edges where the are needed. If you can do it on the right top, why not do it on the left bottum and the middle?
We're painting the roses red...
Great idea Alice In Wonderland all the way!! I don't think that anyone's head is going roll for this but I do agree about the whole blending's something that I need to work on myself! Good luck and keep following that white rabbit! LOL :)
Alice, anyone seen alice?
I love this tile, Very nice work!