Thanks for the comments Spyder. You were the first one :)
I enjoy your tiles too. I've seen them from the beginning and they're getting better and better as you make more. I can't wait to see what you've done with the mainquilt.

he spydo
thanks for the coin you just gave me. and thanks for commenting all the time. i have gotten a bit lazy about this recently, he he. you seem to have some good attitude about this. and fine tiles too - becoming better with each new one -
little nudge from uncle fidge. me thinks you sometimes overdo it a little with the smudge and smear tool. resist its temptation, i believe your tiles will look somewhat cleaner and more determined without it (well this is just a personal opinion anyway, do whatever is fun to you)
byebye and keep your tiling rate as high as it is.
little nudge from uncle fidge. me thinks you sometimes overdo it a little with the smudge and smear tool. resist its temptation, i believe your tiles will look somewhat cleaner and more determined without it (well this is just a personal opinion anyway, do whatever is fun to you)
byebye and keep your tiling rate as high as it is.
Re: he spydo
It's me again. I didn't realize it, but you gave me a coin also. Did you do that recently? Thank you so much. I'm really glad that you're a person who actually comments and votes. We need more people like you.
I hope you don't mind, that like fidgit i make a suggestion too. I hope you don't think I'm being mean, I just have an idea that would make your tiles look better. On some of your tiles you use the clone brush to make the grass/wheat/dirt, which I actually do too so that the sides match. But then I go in with a brush/colors and change it and make it all look different. Some of your grass/wheat/dirt looks very constant. Try varying it a little to make your tile look more interesting and personal.
Keep up the great ideas. I like your reflective sword, nice touch.
I hope you don't mind, that like fidgit i make a suggestion too. I hope you don't think I'm being mean, I just have an idea that would make your tiles look better. On some of your tiles you use the clone brush to make the grass/wheat/dirt, which I actually do too so that the sides match. But then I go in with a brush/colors and change it and make it all look different. Some of your grass/wheat/dirt looks very constant. Try varying it a little to make your tile look more interesting and personal.
Keep up the great ideas. I like your reflective sword, nice touch.
Re: Re: he spydo
Dari, how the heck are ya. thank you for the advice it also was well recieved, i am do what i can to improve, and love to get advice on improving take a glance over what I wrote Uncle fidge it applys to you also but I wanted to thank you personally.
thank you,
fidge's nephew spydo
thank you,
fidge's nephew spydo
Re: Re: Re: he spydo
sorry about the typo it's 3 a.m. "I am doing what i can to improve". is what it should be.
Re: he spydo
Uncle Fidge, I absolutely love good wholesome critisism (how else will an artist grow), your advice is well taken (and well deserved). I have been at this about i think two weeks and working out alot of kinks,(like trying to make seamless tiles by smudging and cloning). I will do better. I hope you enjoy "vigilant tears" i was doing it with yours and dari's advice, its a little morbid but i couldn't stop the flow can't wait for it to pop up.
resisting temptation,
nephew spydo
resisting temptation,
nephew spydo