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This tile is from Submarine Ride [FLASH]

Comment: The Locomouse Trabious is right now going to take a nap
By: Straxz
Checked out at: February 03, 2002
Checked in at: February 03, 2002
Checkout tile:


Wake up DO you HEAR!?
I hope Locomouse Trabious wake up soon so I can see my tile :)
Re: Wake up DO you HEAR!?
Could somebody wake the picture up or should I upload it again if you uploaded it?
From me to you
I copy and pasted the upper border, the one in the tile I checked out had a black line. Consider this: I didn't paint the tile in the quilt I painted the one I checked in, with that means why did it lose all its color and natural blurryness like the one I checked in? Did I fix the criticism that gecky pointed out for me? (thank you gecky)